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Archive » July - August 2015

July - August 2015

Italian banks have a key role in stimulating a sustainable recovery, in a competitive market economy based on integration between banking activity, ethics and development. The deep changes ...
Individual countries must continue their efforts to enhance the soundness and the growth potential of their economies. Italy has taken several important steps that are now beginning to bear fruit
A program of national and European reforms, the achievement of the internal market, incentives for investment and innovation are the prerequisites of growth and employment in Europe

The leading role of information search in banks' customer satisfaction

Gianluigi Guido, Antonio Mileti, M. Irene Prete, Vincenzo Scamandro
Recent studies on customer satisfaction showed how the whole consumption experience - rather than the sole service performance - should be considered amongst the causes of repurchasing acts
The increasing use of models to support decision making and operational decisions and to ensure regulatory compliance can expose banks to model risk, caused by misuse or improper use of the models results

Real Estate Mutual Funds development in Italy: market, supervision and law

Giuseppe Gibilaro, Gianluca Mattarocci, Federico Moro
Italian real estate funds have been characterized in recent years by deep changes, also in terms of regulation and taxation, which have modified their investment strategies and performances
In the present phase of delegated decrees approval for the Italian Jobs Act implementation, there are several aspects that can be corrected in view of a simplification